Monday, July 05, 2004

My first post

Welcome to my blog.

Here is some info about my self.

My name is Doychin Bodnzhev. I'm the owner, the project manager and designer of dSoft-Bulgaria Ltd. You can find more about my company at this address

I have expirience in the following areas:

Delphi programming - GUI applications, Web(IntraWeb), Services, Server applications, TCP/IP(Indy)
Java - J2EE applications (JBoss), Swing based applications, Web (JSP, Servlets, IntraWeb)

I also know litte C++, Intel x86 Assembly

In the area of networking I have expirince with CISCO routers, Extreme switches, Designing and implementing networks for small and mid sized offices.

Another area of experitse I have is Linux administration.

Well this is for now.

More to come in the following days.

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