Monday, July 12, 2004

I'm a father now ;-)

well I'm a father now ;-)

I have a daughter. Her name is Iva and she is 3.15kg and 50cm

now let me show you some pictures:

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 5

Picture 6

She was born on Jul 3rd 2004 and now she is 9 days old ;-)


Thursday, July 08, 2004

My work at AtoZed and my current projects

Well it is now time to finish my proffessional expirience story ;-)

So as I said I started as senior developer at AtoZed Software and I was on this position for a litttle bit more then 2 years. I worked on AtoZed product IntraWeb and more specifically on all versions from 5.0 to 7.0 including all ports to Kylix, Java and .NET. Generally versions 5.0 and 5.1 are verry close to version 4 but in 6 we did some great changes in order to prepare for the .NET future. All these were filized in 7.0. For details about IntraWeb you better check AtoZed web site

Now I'm working in my own company dSoft-Bulgaria Ltd. The company is specialized in custom made software, network design and plannig. Company also work in cooperation with Eurocom Plovdiv Ltd. and the result of this cooperation is product called EuroProvisioning.

This product is combination of Custemer Relationship Management, Billing, Service provisioning, Network management and more. For this product we used Java as development platform and JBoss as deployment platform. Wit this product we target local cable TV operatiors who are in process of evaluating all new telecommunication technologies in order to increase the number of serrvices they offer to their customers. With our product these cable operators can manage their customers, the billing process, service delivery process and many other areas of everyday life of cable operator.

Currently our development plan inclides DOCSIS 1.1 and 2.0 support, support for payments over internet for Bulgaria (, Support for different services for digital TV and also video on demand, VoIP services and more.

Well this is enough for now.

Next time I will write more about my personal life ;-)

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

More about my professional expirience

Well it is time for my second post to my blog.

This time I will give more details abut my professional expirience.

I started to use computers in 1986. The first computer I used was computer called Pravetz 82. It was a clone of Apple II. I learned how to program on this computer by using BASIC and assembler.

The first time I touched IBM PC compatible computer (Pravetz 16) was in 1987. After that I started to learm more about it and the first course I attended about it was Turbo Pascal 3 course.

Later I learned more about object oriented programming and Turbo Pascal 5.5

The IDE I used mostly later was Borland Pascal 7.0 for DOS and this was until 1996. Also during this period I spent 1 year to learn C++. After that I mostly use this knoledge just to read code and to convert C/C++ headers to Delphi.

After 1996 I started to use Delphi for programming. I used all versions of Delphi since 1.

Since then I worked for few companies. First I joined to a company 5Group & Co. as partner. There we did few projects using Delphi 1 to 5.

First one is software product for classification of candidate-students in Technicl University - Sofia branch Plovdiv. This product I still support in my current company and this year I did compleate rewrite using Java and J2EE. Ofcourse there is also new customer that uses this product - Medical University Plovdiv.

Another product I worked on while was part of 5Group & Co. was SimpleScan. It was outsourcing project that cosistend of 2 parts. Client side which I did and serverside which was responsibility of a company called ScanStore. This product helped me a lot in my work for Indy project. While was working on SimpleScan I spent a lot of time working on Indy HTTP client and server components. Client components were heavilly used in SimpleScan becouse communication betwin client and server was based on HTTP protocol.

Another place I worked was Cable BG. It was the first comapny that offered cable Internet in Bulgaria. This happened in 1999. There I worked as system administrator. That was the place I learned a lot about TCP/IP, Linux, CISCO routers and more. Also I did one application that was still in use one year after my departure. The application was used to measure internet traffic of each subscriber becouse services offer by Cable BG were limmited by traffic. There I learned a lot about cable internet service which I after that used on my next work place.

So in year 2000 I moved to Eurocom Plovdiv Ltd. It is a telecommunication company that offers wide range of services and most of these were developed while I was working for them. These include cable Internet service, MAN service using ethernet network over fiber optic. Of corse all these things probably sound funny to some of you but for Bulgaria these thechnologies were somthing really new at the time we first used them. The MAN network is based on Extreme networks switches. So this was the place where I larned a lot about L3 switches and ofcourse I increased my knoledge about Linux and CISCO.

Of course at Eerocom I did again few applications for managing subsribers of data services and cable modem provisioning. For this application I used Delphi 6.

In Mar 2002 I started to work for AtoZed Software as senior developer. More about this and my other expirience I will write in my next post.

Monday, July 05, 2004

My first post

Welcome to my blog.

Here is some info about my self.

My name is Doychin Bodnzhev. I'm the owner, the project manager and designer of dSoft-Bulgaria Ltd. You can find more about my company at this address

I have expirience in the following areas:

Delphi programming - GUI applications, Web(IntraWeb), Services, Server applications, TCP/IP(Indy)
Java - J2EE applications (JBoss), Swing based applications, Web (JSP, Servlets, IntraWeb)

I also know litte C++, Intel x86 Assembly

In the area of networking I have expirince with CISCO routers, Extreme switches, Designing and implementing networks for small and mid sized offices.

Another area of experitse I have is Linux administration.

Well this is for now.

More to come in the following days.